BT Structures As has differents skilled works teams (formworkers, steel workers, waterproofing, etc) with long experience in each type of work.

All our workers have differents norwegian training course for to do their work in order with norwegian laws and HSE requirements.

BT Structures As has a technical office for collaborate and to find the best solutions for the projects and for our customers.

Customer´s satisfaction in all matters presents in our projects. Main focus is in the quality, safety, enviroment and technical work in order with our customer’s requirements.
Employee´s satisfaction in all our projects. Our staff is the main piece in the company so they must work in the best safety´s conditions, with the best equipment and with the best work´s conditions in general.

Environment damage has to be zero. A good environment is basic for to carry on all subject in the life, and all construction´s sites has to respect it and try to get a better environment around the site.